Lost Or Found A Pet?
If you have lost or found a pet of any species, please report them to www.petslocated.com. Stray animals rescued or taken in by the RSPCA are logged at this site.
Inspectors, animal centres and branches like us are using the service which covers the whole of the UK. If your pet has been found by the RSPCA, their details will be added onto petslocated.

Should I Keep My Cat Indoors?
How to look after house cats Indoor cats like ample stay to roam and play, as well as access to multiple hiding spaces. Exercise is important as cats are
Environments For Domestic Cats
Suitable Environments Creating an inviting environment for your house cat will keep them happy and healthy in the home...Cats are very intelligent animals and so will really enjoy cat
Cat Behaviour
What is normal cat behaviour? Every cat is unique, however unusual levels of grooming or hiding or changes in eating or toilet routines are causes for concern. As is
Should I Spay Or Neuter My Cat?
Speying And Neutering To protect your female cat from pregnancy, she will need to undergo a simple operation (before she turns four months old) known as 'spaying.' Your boy